The Moment Someone Learns to Read!

There’s magic in the air when a child learns to read. Those of us who teach early literacy or are parents helping their child learn, all marvel when a child actually “cracks the code” and realizes the letter symbols become words. When it happens the child often looks up at you surprised and then you get to say it, finally, “Yes, you are reading. You are now a reader!”  It’s magical and of course there are tears in your eyes and chills down your arms.  That profound instant when those symbols are transformed into meaningful words never ceases to amaze me. The written word is astounding in every regard, not only to educate, enlighten, and entertain, but also in its incredible ability to transform us and offer the powerful opportunity to reason together. 

This blog will now be REFORGED (my word for the year, see my New Year’s blog entry) with a very strong early literacy focus.  I feel very right about this goal.  My books and my passion surround early literacy and quality instruction.  So…here’s to the next step in the journey. 

Would you share a magical moment when you were teaching a child to read or YOUR magical moment when you cracked the code?

Love you all…and I hope you enjoy the Reforged early literacy focus coming this year.