Blimey, Timmy’s Looking for Treasure!


Timmy zips up and down. “Summer,” he sings! Timmy loved first grade and learned how to read. He loved Mo Willems’ books, but his favorite book was Step Out of the Blues With Gabby’s Red Shoes. Stacks of books next to his bed on Library Lane can always be found. It’s a mess his mom doesn’t mind.

Timmy comes out at night to read by the light of the fireflies. Timmy’s friends leave him messages with chalk and write the names of their favorite books. Timmy brings those to the lagoon at night to read. Fairies come to dream and hear him read. Even the mermaids come to listen!! Timmy hopes everyone leaves the title of their favorite books on the sidewalk.


But lately, Timmy is reading books about pirates. Mom plays along, “Remember to make this room shipshape before you go to play or you will be scrubbing in the galley!” “Aye Mom,” Timmy laughs.

Timmy flies to Noah’s house: “Let’s play walk the plank.” They dart to the lagoon. Noah hoots as Timmy marches along the log…soon to become shark bait at the lagoon.


Olivia meets them there. “Yo-ho-ho,” Noah and Timmy chime. “Ahoy lads!” Olivia giggles and adds, “My grandfather told me ancient fairies buried treasure near this lagoon.” Timmy shouts, “Let’s start searching!” Noah answers, “Aye, Aye Captain.” They wondered what would be inside the boxes? Maybe diamonds, rubies, or gold?

 While they search, Timmy asks Olivia, “What will you do with the loot if you find it lass?” “I want to buy high-flying fairy dust,” she answers. Timmy wonders what he would want. That night he asks his mom for some ideas. She says, “Where your heart is, there your treasure will also be.” She added, “If the old fairies filled the boxes and hid them, the treasure will be more valuable than gold.” Timmy was confused.

Day after day they had fun searching for the buried treasure. Then one day it happened…they found a box and looked inside. Timmy smiled and hoped everyone would look inside the boxes, too. Now Timmy understood his mom and ancient fairies. And Timmy had the treasured memories of a summer of fun with his friends in his heart!