Dare to Dream With Me...

 We all know someone who has a story about themselves or their parents and how they MISSED an opportunity to live out their dream.  Perhaps it was to invest in a stock, patent an idea, go for the girl, or open a car wash.  For them, the unlived dream came and went. For some who didn’t take the step, it might be filled with deep regret. Still others are ok with how things have landed. 

 For me, I feel compelled to dream and driven to pursue the same, but let me say it is not without cost.  Creating my Facebook page and sharing my dream of being an author left me feeling exposed and nervous. Even writing this post leaves me feeling vulnerable.  But maybe THIS transparency is the exact point of it all. Maybe I can encourage you to take a first step in your dream. This is a dreamer’s journey. But how could I be so bold as to post my dream for everyone to see? I mean some people knew, but now everyone knows. I put it on social media for heaven’s sake!  Who am I to say I am an author?  Am I a fake? So I looked for some honest answers. I asked other writers and artists and they told me they have had similar struggles.  I looked to my old, reliable red covered Webster’s Dictionary for a definition of author, and found the first definition: the writer of a book, article, etc.            

OK, according to Webster I am not a fake. So why this inner struggle? I mean, who am I to believe that my dream will become a reality?  So, after two sleepless nights and lots of prayers, I have found I am more grounded with some answers and am reminded that the very question of “Who am I, Lord?” has been asked before.  I am amongst a long list of people who believed they were doing something which they felt was bigger than they believed they could do.  Yes, God works through uneventful people.  But we are promised to be instructed and equipped until the work is complete.  So, who will listen to the dream seed that was placed in them and press on through the growing process and run the race set before themselves? Will you dare to dream with me? What’s your dream? Volunteering for a worthy cause? Creating the worthy cause? Opening a business?  Opening a restaurant? Attending the Olympics? Participating in the Olympics? Learning to golf? Hosting an event? Changing careers? Moving to a new location? Building a tree house? Going on a date? Post a dream if you dare…and expect a mental fight about why it is impossible; but be reminded, that He who began a work in you will carry it on until it is completed!